C30 Portable Patient Monitor
The C30 Transport patient monitor is strong, stable, waterproof, dustproof, anti-fall and shockproof, it is Small and lightweight and easy to carry. It can be equipped with a optional specialized bag for first aid monitoring. Suitable for emergency scene, out-of-hospital transport, intra-hospital transport, bedside monitoring in the emergency department
Patient: adult, pediatric, neonate
Display: 4.3 “color TFT touch screen
Resolution: 16:9
2 curves on screen
Sweep speed: 12.5mm / s, 25mm / s, 50mm / s
• Battery indicator light
• Dual indicator alarm light
QRS beep and alarm sound
Key sound
AC input socket
Trend: 48 hours
Alarm: user adjustable high and low limits
Connection to the monitoring center
DVI connection
Impedance method
• Adult 0-1OOrpm
• Neonatal 0-150 rpm
• Resolution: ± 1 rpm
Apnea alarm: 10s-40s
Audible and visual alarm
Sweep speed: 12.5.25mm/s
Gain selection: x0.25, x0.5, x1, x2
Cable: 12-lead CardioTecTM,
3 or 5 snaps (selectable)
12 leads: I, Il, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, -V6
5 wire: RA, LA, RL, LL, V or R, L, N, F, C,
3 wire: RA, LA, LL or R, L, F
Lead Selection: 12 leads: I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
5 wire: I, Il, IIl, aVR, aVL, aVF, V
3 wire: I, Il, III
Gain selection: x0.25, x0.5, x1, x2, auto
Adult: 15-300 1 / min
Pediatric / neonate: 15-350 1 / min
Accuracy: ± 1% or ± 1 1 / min (whichever is greater)
Resolution: 1 1 / min
ECG bandwidth:
MON: 0.5-55Hz
DIA: 0.05-150 Hz
OPE: 1-20Hz
ST segment detection: ± 2.0mV (automatic)
Arrhythmia Analysis
Pacemaker pulse detection
2 channels
Standard sensor: Cutaneous
Measurement range: 0-50 ° C
Resolution: 0.1 ° C
Accuracy: 0.1 ° C (excludes sensor error)
Channel: T1, T2, TD (temperature difference)
Measurement method: Automatic oscillometric
Working mode: manual / automatic / continuous
Interval: Adjustable from 1 min to 480 min
Measurement types: systolic, diastolic, mean
Unit of measure: mmHg / KPa, adjustable
Systolic pressure range:
• Adult: 40 to 270 mmHg
• Pediatric: 40 to 200mmHg
• Neonate: 40 to 135 mmHg
Diastolic pressure range:
• Adult: 10 to 215 mmHg
• Pediatric: 10 to 150mmHg
• Neonate: 10 to 100 mmHg
Medium pressure range:
• Adult: 20 to 235 mmHg
• Pediatric: 20 to 165mmHg
• Neonate: 20 to 110 mmHg
Overpressure Protection: Hardware and Software
• Accuracy: less than ± 5mmHg
• Resolution: 1mmHg
Sp02 Comen
Range: 1-100%
Resolution: 1%
• ± 2% (70-100%, Ped, no movement)
• ± 3% (70-100%, Neo, no movement)
• 0-69% unspecified
Range alarm: 0-100%
Pulse Frequency:
• Range: 20 to 300 ppm
• Resolution: 1 ppm
• Accuracy:
– ± 3ppm (no movement)
– ± 5ppm (movement)
Alarm: 20 to 300 ppm
Sidestream CO2 (SideStream)
Range: 0 to 150 mmHg, 0 to 79%,
• 0 to 20 kPa (at 760 mmHg)
• Accuracy: ± 2mm Hg (0-40mmHg)
• ± 5% of reading (41-70 mmHg)
• ± 8% of reading (71-100 mmHg)
• ± 10% of reading (101-150 mmHg)
Frequency: 0-120 rpm
• ± 2rpm (0-70rpm)
• ± 5 rpm (> 70 rpm)
Response time: <240 ms (10% to 90%)
Delay time: <2s
C02 COMEN Main Flow
Range: 0 to 150 mm Hg, 0 to 79%,
0 to 20 kPa (at 760 mmHg)
Accuracy: ± 2mmHg (0-40mmHg)
• ± 5% of reading (41-70 mmHg)
• ± 8% of reading (71-100 mmHg)
• ± 10% of reading (101-150 mmHg)
Frequency: 0-120 rpm
• ± 2rpm (0-70rpm)
• ± 5 rpm (> 70 rpm)
Delay time: <2s